MISSIONThe FBI Cleveland Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBICLECAAA) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that supports local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. The goal of the FBICLECAAA is to promote public safety and security through its two pillars of Community Engagement/Awareness and Education/Training which promote a greater understanding of the FBI mission by organizing various community programs. VISIONThe FBI Cleveland Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a member of the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association. The FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a community-based and supported organization, distinct and separate from the FBI, designed to promote a safer community through community service projects and a process of educating business, labor, media, medical, minority, religious, government, senior citizens, and other community leaders about law enforcement, with particular emphasis on the mission, resources, and limitations of the FBI. |
Gold Star Chapter
FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBI National CAAA) recently recognized thirty-one affiliates as Gold Star Chapters for excellence in leadership, operations, and quality performance. Newly released in 2025, the Gold Star Chapter designation is granted to FBI National CAAA affiliate chapters that demonstrate a commitment to achieving the mission and goals of their community outreach partnership with the FBI. This prestigious recognition acknowledges the dedication of chapter boards of directors and members to achieving high-quality operating standards. For more information on this prestigious award, click here. |
Seventh Annual “FLAGS FOR HONOR 2025” – More than 700 American flags are on display every year during the Flags for Honor event. The annual event honors hundreds of servicemembers, first responders, medical professionals, teachers, and other “loved ones, family, mentors, and friends.” The Flags for Honor will be held September 2025, along the south walking path of Edgewater Park, visible to westbound traffic and all visitors to the beach area. This will be the Seventh year for the Flags for Honor, which are dedicated to honoring both Active and Fallen FBI Agents, military, law enforcement officers, firefighters, medical professionals, teachers, coaches, employees, friends, and family. Anyone can dedicate a Flag with a Medallion honoring their personal HERO or loved one. |
Edgewater Park
FBINCAAA The FBI Cleveland Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a member of the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association. The FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a community-based and supported organization, distinct and separate from the FBI, designed to promote a safer community through community service projects and a process of educating business, labor, media, medical, minority, religious, government, senior citizens, and other community leaders about law enforcement, with particular emphasis on the mission, resources, and limitations of the FBI. For more information, click here. | FBI Citizens Academy Want to find out firsthand how the FBI works? Hear how the Bureau tracks down spies and terrorists. Learn how to collect and preserve evidence. See what it is like to fire a weapon and put yourself in the shoes of a Special Agent making a split-second, life-or-death decision? If you are a leader in your community, you just might be able to do that and more––through an FBI Citizens Academy. |