FBI SOS ChallengeThe FBI-SOS Internet Challenge is an internet safety program designed to help students recognize potential dangers associated with the Internet, email, chat rooms, and social networking sites. The program addresses and defines serious topics such as seduction, child pornography, solicitation, exploitation, obscenity, and online predators. Students take web-based quizzes and review specific websites aimed at promoting online safety. If your school is interested in participating, contact . For more info see . |
Protecting children from those who specifically target them with plans to cause harm proves everyone's responsibility. In today's world, many opportunities exist for children to be subjected to the indifiduals wishing to take advantage of a young persons innocence. The increasing use of the internet by sexual predators serves as just one reason why communities must take the appropriate steps to ensure that children stay safe. The promotion of grassroots collaborations with public safety agencis and schools is essential to maximize child safety goals.
The FBI Cleveland Division offers free internet Safety for Kids presentations in the Northern Ohio area. Using volunteer presenters from the FBI Cleveland Citizens Academy Alumni Association, schools, parenting groups and other interested groups can arrange for a free presentation on the current and ever emerging dangers of online activity including ways to identify risky behavior, be warned of on-line predators and methods to keep kids, adults and families safe while on the internet.
Prospecive audiences include:
For information on these free presentations and how to arrance one for your school or group, please contact .